
School Photos - Opening Day
Students walk outside of Doolen on the first day
A boy walks in the door of his 7th grade classroom
A monitor in a yellow vest talks to a parent in the outside hallway
Three cafeteria workers smile on the first day of school
A mom and daughter hug outside Doolen on the first day
School Photos - Celebrating the Solar Eclipse
Students at Doolen Middle School stepped outside of the classroom to experience the eclipse. A variety of eclipse-related activities occurred across the campus, including making a model of the solar event using cookies and sharing art created by students depicting how past civilizations viewed eclipses.
A Doolen teacher uses her special glasses to look at the eclipse
A student gives her presentation about the solar eclipse
A student smiles and points up at the eclipse.
Four boys work on a project using different Oreo cookies to replicate the eclipse
Three students stand outside looking at the eclipse with their special glasses